There are two main components of Omega 3’s – the fatty acids EPA and DHA. DHA is associated with proper nervous system development, and EPA is an anti-inflammatory. Less inflammation leads to less pain, redness, and swelling in the skin, joints, or other organs. Although very beneficial to dogs and cats, these fatty acids are not produced in great quantity by them and need to be supplemented.


Omega 3’s promote healthy bone growth and strengthen muscles. One main component of fatty acids – EPA reduces inflammation in the body. For pets with arthritis, there is a reduction in joint inflammation because of EPA – it works on the same receptors as NSAIDS for humans!


Supports the skin’s natural health, eliminating issues such as dry, flaky skin, and improving overall coat quality. Not only do fatty acids reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies, but they also decrease shedding (which may mean less hairballs for cat owners!)


We carry Omega Benefits Capsules from Veterinary Recommended Solutions. We trust this veterinary-owned company, as they ensure product safety and purity by 3rd-party testing each product and share the results with the public.

Veterinary Recommended Solutions (VRS) also offers an amazing home delivery program! Get your products delivered when you need them – no need to pay an extra visit to the vet office. You can also save even more money with their multi-bottle discount and free shipping! Have questions? No worries, you have access to the VRS Veterinary Technicians 6 days a week.